Fast Calibration Function on the PSS
Login to the PSS unit
Expand “Alarm” and click on “AI APP”
Click the last tab “Calibration Parameters”
“Algorithm Type” – Select “DVS”
Input Camera Installation Measurements and calibration measurements. da, db, dc and dd as per installation.
Ensure La = 100 (warning zone), Lb = 90(extended warning zone on left indicator), Lc = 120 (information zone)
Click “Save”
Click “Algorithm Calibration” and under “Mode Type” change to “Calibration” for Channel 1, 2 and 3.
Click “Calibration” under Calibration Colum line 1. This will bring up the calibration screen below. Please un-tick "Calibration via cloth" as this will throw up an error should you not use calibration mats.
Click “Capture” to display the left side image. Click “Generate Calibration Points”. This will automatically generate the calibration points. Click Save and close the tab. Repeat this for “Left BSD” and “Front BSD”.
Change “Mode Type” to normal for channel 1, 2 and 3 and “Save”.
Check the B3 Alarm Config and Speed settings
Click on “Industry Config”, click “Alarm Config” and set the BSD “Alarm Range” speed to 0, Tick the box in “C53 Alarm Level 2” under “B3 Voice” and click “Save”.
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