
Creation date: 01/05/2018 16:52    Updated: 09/01/2023 08:38   computer dvr gps recording software viewer watch
0-776-80, 0-776-81, 0-776-84

In order to view the recordings from the 0-776-80, 0-776-81and 0-776-84  DVRs you need the software  from the link in this article here

We recommend that you uninstall previous versions before installing any new version of the software.

Note:  The application requires to be Run as Administrator. You will need to right-click the desktop icon and click on the option Run as Administrator. You can change some settings to make the icon do this automatically, a guide on how to do this is here

Note: In some cases on Windows 10 we have noted the Icon isn't always created, see this article on how to create it manually.

Note: The default password is admin

The current version is V2.37.19.86

4-776-81  DVR Player - V2.37.22.22  -  110MB

We recommend that you uninstall previous versions before installing any new version of the software.

Note:  The application requires to be Run as Administrator. You will need to right-click the desktop icon and click on the option Run as Administrator. You can change some settings to make the icon do this automatically, a guide on how to do this is here

Note: In some cases on Windows 10 we have noted the Icon isn't always created, see this article on how to create it manually.

Note: The default password is admin